The Kaede collection features a glorious pendant light that shimmers with strands of almond-shaped and octagon royal-cut clear Crystals. A Chrome column connects to graceful curved hooks supporting an avalanche of descending Crystals. Undulating arms display shining Chrome candle covers holding three lights (Not included). Select this jewel of a fixture to brighten your dining room, living room, foyer, breakfast bar, or bedroom. Adjust the height as needed.
Chrome /vendors/vendorImages chrome.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Dry Rated
Title 20
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Prop 65
Title 20
Title 24
Living Room, Kitchen, Office, Dining Room
Chain or Rod or Cord Finish:
Chain or Rod or Cord Length:
Crystals Inside Frame Box:
Hanging Device Adjustable:
Location Rating:
Dry Rated, Wet Rated, Damp Rated
Other Details
3-light can accommodate either incandescent or led lamp (not included)
A chrome column connects to graceful curved hooks supporting an avalanche of descending crystals.
Includes a five foot chain